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Enlighten Teeth Whitening Enlighten Teeth Whitening

Enlighten Teeth Whitening

Enlighten Teeth Whitening is a common teeth whitening procedure used by most people with darkened teeth to improve the appearance of the smile and brighten their teeth. Enlighten Teeth Whitening helps people achieve the B1 shade of teeth. The treatment involves both in-office and home teeth whitening, and the result usually lasts for a long time.

Why Choose Enlighten Whitening Treatment?

You should choose Enlighten Teeth Whitening over other types of teeth whitening treatments because it offers the following benefits.

  • It provides a B1 teeth shade and improves the smile
  • It is convenient for most patients because the treatment does not involve any food restrictions
  • You would get your desired result within 2 – 4 weeks
  • The treatment causes little or no sensitivity and pain
  • It brightens the teeth by about 16 shades, and it is the only teeth whitening treatment that can achieve this
  • It does not involve dehydration, gingival protection, and light whitening
  • The dentist will provide you with custom-made trays, and this provides better retention for the whitening gel to brighten dark teeth
  • The treatment also involves anti-sensitivity serum to prevent teeth sensitivity
  • The whitening teeth gel is effective as it is refrigerated from the time it was manufactured to the time for the in-chair treatment

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Why you need Enlighten Teeth Whitening

Several reasons should motivate you to whiten your teeth using Enlighten Teeth Whitening treatment, and some of these reasons are as follows.

  • Whitening your teeth gives you a youthful appearance
  • Brighter teeth leave you with excellent first impressions
  • It helps boost your self-esteem and confidence, especially when you are conscious about your smile
  • Enlighten Teeth Whitening removes stains accumulated on the teeth and clears yellowing of the teeth

Enlighten Teeth Whitening procedure

Knowing what to expect during your Enlighten Teeth Whitening, helps make the process stress-free. The treatment usually involves three visits to the dentist.

  • First visit

During the first Enlighten Teeth Whitening visit, your dentist will take your teeth impressions with a putty material or your teeth images with a digital scanner, then send them off to the Enlighten laboratory to make your whitening trays. This usually takes about two weeks before you can get the whitening trays.

While you wait for your whitening trays, your dentist will provide you with a special desensitising toothpaste, which you will use two times daily. The toothpaste contains hydroxyapatite (HAP). This compound constitutes about 97% of the enamel, and it helps protect the enamel, reduce sensitivity, and improve the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Second visit

On the second visit, you will get your whitening trays for the enlighten treatment and the whitening gel which you would use for about 14 days. Most people prefer to use the enlighten whitening trays and gel at night to give a better result,

  • Third visit

On the third and final visit, you will undergo a 40-minute whitening treatment, but you need to be with your Enlighten Teeth Whitening trays. This in-chair teeth whitening treatment helps to improve the teeth colour and ensure evenness of the colour. It also helps the effect of the whitening last longer.


If you experience teeth sensitivity after your enlighten whitening treatment, your dentist will advise you to get a special toothpaste that prevents sensitivity. Brands like Sensodyne and Colgate can help reduce teeth sensitivity and discomfort after your treatment.

Cost of Enlighten Whitening treatment

The cost of Enlighten Teeth Whitening treatment varies between dentists and depend on the result you need. However, it usually starts from £495.

Guaranteed teeth whitening result

Enlighten Teeth Whitening is effective, and it can give you a B1 teeth shade. If you strictly follow the instructions for use, you are guaranteed a B1 shade of teeth, but if you do not get the desired teeth shade you need, Enlighten will make a refund that covers the cost of their laboratory service and procedure. You will not receive a refund for dental costs incurred during the treatment.

If you decide to brighten the shade of your teeth and make your smile beautiful, you can contact Adult Braces London on 020 31373179 to get started on your enlighten teeth whitening.

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Frequently asked questions

Enlighten whitening treatment is a non-invasive, safe and effective cosmetic dental treatment procedure. It is a common teeth whitening procedure that gives natural-looking teeth. Some people experience teeth sensitivity after the procedure, but, you can reduce this side effect by using an anti-sensitivity toothpaste, you also need to follow your dentist’s instruction strictly to get the best possible result.

Enlighten whitening procedure only brighten and improve the natural teeth. The whitening procedure does not improve the colour of composite or porcelain restorations. If you want to get any dental restoration, you need to whiten your teeth first, so the colour of the dental restoration matches the shade of your whitened teeth.

Enlighten teeth whitening, when appropriately done, make the teeth to remain white indefinitely, and this is the advantage it has over other teeth whitening treatments. You may need periodic top-ups at home, so ensure that your whitening trays are intact for re-use. If yourwhitening gel finishes, you can easily get more at an affordable price.