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Teeth whitening Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure, and it is the most popular treatment amongst all cosmetic dental procedures. It is also a safe dental treatment, and you can brighten your teeth by up to eight shades during a professional whitening treatment. Thousands of people have undergone teeth whitening treatment in the past and have achieved excellent results.

Invisalign and Teeth Whitening
invisalign before 1 invisalign after 1

The teeth can become discoloured over time due to different reasons. The natural ageing process can make the teeth darker, and this means that as we get older, our teeth tend to get darker. The teeth can also accumulate surface stains when we drink red wine, coffee, tea, and other drinks that contain strong colours. Smoking and taking certain medications can also discolour the teeth.

With teeth whitening, you can remove both surface and deep-seated stains to restore the look of your teeth, and brighten the teeth.

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Types of teeth whitening treatment

There are different teeth whitening treatments, and most of these whitening options provide excellent results. The most suitable treatment option for anyone depends on the person’s lifestyle, the result needed, and budget.

Most of the available teeth whitening treatments are safe and effective. They include:

Enlighten teeth whitening involves both home whitening, and in-chair teeth whitening, and it brightens the teeth by several shades.

To get professional home teeth whitening treatment, your dentist will take your teeth impressions, then provide custom teeth whitening trays. You will apply the whitening gel on the custom-made trays, and wear them for a specific number of hours for about two weeks.

The in-office teeth whitening treatments produce an instant result and usually takes about an hour. Some dentists also provide a combination of office and home whitening treatments to give excellent results.

To get the best teeth whitening result, you need to consult your dental professional. Your dentist will recommend a gentle and safe treatment that would be suitable for you after examining your teeth. You may also discuss the result you desire and your budget with your dentist to get a suitable treatment.

If you want to undergo teeth whitening by a professional, visit Adult Braces London or contact us on 020 31373179 to book an appointment with us.

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